Welcome to DDA's Resource Hub!

Whether you're looking to borrow equipment from the Resource Center, check out the production rooms, or dive into online guides and tutorials, this platform is your go-to resource. Explore the tabs to discover what's available!


The Resource Center (RC) circulates audiovisual and media creation equipment to support the work of DDA students and faculty. Resources are available to everyone who is currently enrolled in or teaching courses in DDA*. The RC also coordinates access to reservable rooms and spaces** such as the Greenscreen Room, the Audio Recording Room, the Spatial Computing Room, and more.

*Accounts must be in good standing (no outstanding late fees)
** Some rooms and resources require training, certification, or enrollment in a specific course. Please inquire about any specific resources you are interested in!

Contact us!

Phone: (718) 399-4514 (x4514 from on-campus phones)
Email: ddahelp@pratt.edu


Mondays - Thursdays: 9:10am - 6:50pm
Fridays: 9:10am - 4:50pm
Saturdays and Sundays: CLOSED


The Resource Center is located on the 3rd floor of Myrtle Hall. Take a left out of the elevators, swipe to enter the 3rd floor DDA area and walk to the end of the hallway. The RC is at the end of the hallway with a service window to the right.